Look at these Potatoes Grow - I am so thankful even if the corn is not doing well
(We use the chair to sit on while we water - our water pressure isn't enough to support a sprinkler right now. We have to wait for someone to have time to help us get the pump out and clean up the screen or whatever it is that is slowing it down so that the pressure will improve. In the meantime, it is time consuming plus we can't do more than one thing at a time i.e. no watering at the same time as a shower, washing a load of clothes or running the dishwasher -
life is very interesting at times)
Everything is growing except the Corn
The Cabbage looks great and the Onions and Lettuce. We are eating greens and salads and tomorrow I will either can or freeze the many greens that are ready. Please come and get some if you would like. What fun!